home sacred.
Loutre is a collection where no two pieces are exactly the same. Each vintage item is thoughtfully collected or refurbished, and each custom design is individually hand-crafted. Hopefully this curation evokes a sense of simple nostalgia, curiosity, comfort, and conversation in your home. For me, home is my house, and my house is everything I collect along the way.
I’ve always felt that sacred spaces have to be made sacred.
“Loutre” is French for “Otter”. A spirit animal of mine, otters are known to often keep collections of rocks, which they keep for both pleasure and as useful tools. It only seemed fitting to pay homage to that sentiment of functionality and beauty.
Lindsey Akers
“ They say that ‘home is where the heart is.’ I think it’s where the house is and the adjacent buildings.”
-Emily Dickinson
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